Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mum doesn't me to go to the doctors, please help!?

hi, i think i've gotten addicted to prescription pain killers. which i'm really embarred about. i was given a repeat prescription for back pain, but i take more than i'm supposed to now and i get sick if i stop taking them, and i've checked on the internet and apparently it's quite common but hard to fix with out the help of an addiction doctor. any way i told my mum i'm gong to go to my GPS and explain and see what he recommends. but she got angry and said i should just stop taking them (i can't on my own though, i've tried) and if i go to the doctors it will go on my record an i'll look like a drug addict. i'm all ready embarred as it's i really don't know whereto go from here.


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