Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Please help with my boy - related dilemma! Good guy or bad guy?

First, you mention changing to fit into Rogers life. No one person should do that. You are who you are and if they care the WILL except you for you. And looks are not what make up a person. You have to much drama in your life so take a deep breath and relax for a minute. You don't have to chose either of them. Just let things play out. Why create more stress? It sound like neither is a good option at this moment in time. What is wrong with just being friends with both. Leave your self open and you may find out there is a special someone for you that all this drama won't have to take place. And you will know it right away. Instant attraction and it will be mutual. Listen to your heart it telling you something. Listen to it and you will find what you are looking for. The best to you!


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